About us

ElmaDecor is the e-commerce website for Element Accessories, which is a European brand that provides affordable yet high quality design decorations for home and interior.  Via in-house product development and manufacturing expertise; we aim to become a leading brand in the industry.

Our main products are (mainly glass) vases and bowls, also ceramics, and small furniture. See our full catalogue on: https://element-accessories.com/newcatalogue/

Most of our new series are in house designed and patented.
Our brand is registered in Belgium, where is also the headquarters.

We hold stock in Belgium, US and China; we are actively sell on each continent in almost every country. We have a network of resellers, on- and offline, but also sell directly via many of the know platforms.

We are open to any remarks and suggestion, just reach out to us via the "contact us" section. Do visit us on social media as well, for ex:  https://www.instagram.com/elemadesign/ to see many more photos. 

Also read our:
Terms of service – Element Accessories (elmadecor.com)
Refund and Return policy – Element Accessories (elmadecor.com)